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Planaria traps and shrimplets?


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So, I spotted some detrius worms in one of my shrimp tanks, and was hoping to use a planaria trap to get rid of them...  but ive also got a batch of newborn shrimplets in there.  


will shrimplets get themselves stuck in the traps?   Ive never used a trap, or had any problem with planaria or detrius worms before so i'm not even entirely sure how to use it.


Do I just set it in there, or do I bury the opening in the substrate or what?   What should I bait it with?

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So, I spotted some detrius worms in one of my shrimp tanks, and was hoping to use a planaria trap to get rid of them...  but ive also got a batch of newborn shrimplets in there.  


will shrimplets get themselves stuck in the traps?   Ive never used a trap, or had any problem with planaria or detrius worms before so i'm not even entirely sure how to use it.


Do I just set it in there, or do I bury the opening in the substrate or what?   What should I bait it with?

Not an expert here but I dont worry about detrius worms but planaria needs to be taken care of. Reduce feeding and the detrius worms will die off to a manageable level. Having a small population of detrius worms is not a bad thing for your tank. For planaria see link below. A high population of detrius worms and planaria usually happens when over feeding occurs.



I was very concerned about using it but it worked and no negative affects on shrimp. I did lose two nerites in one tank, must have used a little to much.

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I had planaria show up in my puffer's tank for a day a few weeks ago. 1 day later they were all gone.


I assume they were planaria they had the arrowhead shaped head.



Yeah, I wouldnt expect anything to live more than a few hours in my puffer tank.   My shrimp, on the otherhand are not very inclined towards murder.


Ive not seen any ACTUAL planaria, just detrius worms (which I blame my fundemental misunderstanding of snowflake type food for)    

Theyre harmless, but I just REALLLYYY want a reason to make a little trap.

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