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Shrimp Dying/Lethargic

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I thought this shrimp was a goner for a while, but it's been approx 3 days and he's still alive, but moving around in the same spot. Oftentimes I'll find him in the HC and I think he's dead but then he moved a bit.


His lefts look a bit sprawled out and his antennae seems to be drooping. I don't see any parasites on him and he doesn't respond to snowflake food while his other shrimp friends do.


What's going on?



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46 minutes ago, OMG Aquatics said:

Can u provide a closer up more detailed picture?

I can't unfortunately. I'll have to get a macro lens for my iphone (any you suggestions?)


If you look at the attached video, you'll see him in an odd position where I thought he was definitely dead with his legs sprawled out


His head seems to have gotten a bit more clear while his body/tail has remained opaque. He doesn't  forage like the other shrimp, but seems to be able to move his mouth.


Again a discerning feature is his antennae/nose is drooping down, almost as if he's depressed

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On 4/18/2017 at 0:22 PM, dazalea said:

Looks like a bad moult (his nose does appear deformed/drooping) and this is associated with a bad moult

Now that you mention it, I think this started when he was in the process of the moult. It looked like it was taking a long time or he was eating his his moult, but it seemed to happen right after.


I researched a bit online and it says bad moults can stem from not enough calcium in the water, but my gH and kH are both already pretty high, not sure what to do here


Oddly, it seemed like he recovered a bit since I saw him using his arms to eat a bit. Is recovery possible from this stage? Anything I can do?

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