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Tap Results In: Should I use R/O instead?

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I originally posted this in my journal here but would like some feedback, so Im posting here. Input appreciated, thanks!


So I recently tested my larger 10G tank and my tap. I've never tested my tap so accurately before (just upgraded all my testing supplies) and the results are a little concerning? I'm wondering if I should invest in an R/O water filter and mineralize. I need your thoughts on my below results!

**Just aiming for keeping Neo's!

TDS 240
KH 6
GH 10
PH 8.2 (high range PH test)

The high TDS, GH, and pH are all concerning, right?

10G Tank:
Cherry & yellow Neo's (x15)
HMF Swiss Tropicals custom sponge filter
X1 Otto
Various mosses/anubias/pellia and driftwood

Dosing plants with Excel once a week and Flourish once or twice
Marineland LED light (I know, id love an upgrade)

Fluval Stratum Substrate

No heater (Southern California)


TDS 214
KH 0
GH 4
PH 6.8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0

70-75 degrees F
I'm doing ~15-20% water changes once a week.


Shrimp are all very active; no deaths yet. One yellow is berried that I can see and 2 molts so far.

TL;DR= Do I need an R/O unit for my tap to keep Neos? Could I perhaps just mix my tap with distilled water to lower the ranges slightly? (Does that even work?)


Please help! :) Thank you!


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2 hours ago, chappy6107 said:

You can get distilled water and mix with what you have.  Your tap is not terrible, its just a little high.


I like having an ro system because I dont know what else is in my water and had problems keeping shrimp when using tap.


Very interesting. Thank you! Yeah I didn't feel my tap was horrid, but it wasn't exactly in the comfort zone for shrimps so I wasn't sure.


I agree about not knowing what else could be in the water. I ended up buying an R/O Aquatic Life buddy system on Amazon just now so I'll give that a go. It may be worth it instead of struggling to balance tap and distilled. Plus lugging home distilled jugs from the grocery store isn't the most fun. haha


Thank you for your input!

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