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So... what would you call these?


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Several months back, I bought a bag of shrimp at an auction, and they were labeled as carbon (not carbon rili). They were small, but showed a more solid pattern. Fast forward a few months, and I have a 30 breeder full of these. I've been selling them as carbons, but I'm wondering if that's really what I should be calling them. Most of them are just about black, but from a dark, dark blue. My understanding is that black rose are black, but from a dark, dark red.


Some show a more typical grey-blue-speckled color, similar to a carbon rili (but without the rili pattern). And some a very dark blue. But, the vast majority are nearly black. They are damn cool, and I think I have about 200, but I want to sell them with the proper name. They are too dark for blue dream. They seem too dark for blue diamond. But black rose doesn't seem right either. Deep blue?




This is what they mostly look like when adults. The color starts more clear/blue/speckled, but fills in to nearly black as they age.



But here's a good example of how the blue is sometimes visible on certain ones (left) and how some have more of the carbon coloring (right).


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Never. The occasional carbon rili pattern shows up, but that’s even maybe 1%. 

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