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What shrimp should I breed with my tap?


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Hello everyone! I have been very successfully with breeding (neos) fire red shrimp with my tap.

However, I am looking for a more "ooohhh"-looking shrimp.

I was wondering what shrimp I could breed and that are very cool-looking.

Here is my tap specs:

I know it says 8.0ph however, it's more like 7.6ph

Everything else seems accurate.


Also, just so everybody knows, I have a drip system that runs through activated carbon before hitting my tank (rate of 1gal/hr) so my water parameters are essentially LOCKED tight, so I ensure you I have stability in my water params.


Any suggestions would be amazing! Thanks.

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If you are breeding neo's currently and they are doing fine, you should be able to breed almost any other neo without issues.  Orange/Pumpkin, Yellow/Goldenback, Blue Dream, Blue Jelly, Green Jade, Bloody Mary, etc...   ...you should also be perfectly fine with Orange Eyed Blue Tigers (mine breed like crazy in neo parameters) and possibly Tangerine Tigers as well.  

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15 minutes ago, wyzazz said:

If you are breeding neo's currently and they are doing fine, you should be able to breed almost any other neo without issues.  Orange/Pumpkin, Yellow/Goldenback, Blue Dream, Blue Jelly, Green Jade, Bloody Mary, etc...   ...you should also be perfectly fine with Orange Eyed Blue Tigers (mine breed like crazy in neo parameters) and possibly Tangerine Tigers as well.  

Those all are really cool shrimp.

However, I was looking for something exotic, kinda like the sulawesi cardinal shrimp. However, I don't know if I could keep 8+ ph.

Also, do you think I can do Crystal reds? I always wanted some crystal reds or crystal blacks. Will they still breed in my hardish water?

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58 minutes ago, wyzazz said:

pH needs to be around 8.2-8.3 for sulawesi, what are your gH &kH?


pH needs to be lower for CRS, gH 4-6, kH 0-1.

kH would just really determine how easily I can swing my pH.

So I doubt to the shrimp it matters, but they definitely will care about pH.

I feel like a 7.6ph out of my tap and then maybe some fluval stratum to lower it down alittle maybe to like 7.4-7.2?

They will still breed in those conditions right? 


EDIT: Also, to eleberate on my thinking. I had a Crystal red (just one) in my fire red neos tank. He seemed to also thrive with my reds. However, I didn't have any other crystals in there for him to breed with. But he was a happy guy :)

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31 minutes ago, therehere3 said:

kH would just really determine how easily I can swing my pH.

So I doubt to the shrimp it matters, but they definitely will care about pH.



ph does matter, but I have had way better results when keeping my kh/gh in the correct range.


I know you are wanting to use your tap water vs. using ro water and remineralizing, but I dont think the crystal reds will thrive in your tap water.

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38 minutes ago, chappy6107 said:


ph does matter, but I have had way better results when keeping my kh/gh in the correct range.


I know you are wanting to use your tap water vs. using ro water and remineralizing, but I dont think the crystal reds will thrive in your tap water.

Thanks for your info:)

And btw I did say ph does matter :P

So just neos is what I'm locked down to then :(

Any cool exotic neos anyone can think of?

I am a fan of the bloody marys from what I see.

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Neo's and Tigers from what I can see with your tap water.  The CRS would live & survive, but they tend not to breed when they are not in the correct pH.  If you are ok with purchasing more every couple of years then you could certainly give that a try.  


As far as "exotic" Neo's go, I've always liked Orange and Green Jades.  Here are a few pics of the Neo's I keep.  There are OERBT's in there too because I breed quite a few of them as well.  I'll see if I can get a few pictures of the Bloody Mary's and Green Jades later too.  







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Thanks!  The Black ones are actually a really dark Royal Blue, they are Orange Eyed Royal Blue Tigers.  I offer them up for sale here when I have extras.  

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