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    taiwan bees, CRS, CBS, PFR,

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  1. I switched my tank over from the substrate I was using before which didn't buffer very well to SL Soil. I love the stuff but the problem is that its been like 4 days (Switched on monday) and I still am getting readings of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate a little higher than I'd like. Used the Ehiem on the same tank which had been cycled but I think the bacteria died off or something as all 3 have not decreased in the tank yet. I've yet to do a water change maybe that is why? should I go ahead and do a 50% water change right now? There are also 3 random mischlings in the tank I threw in the first day just to see if they would live. Good news is they did! Bad news is the parameters are every where. and Yes I'm using only RO water along with blue wizard.
  2. Hi on a shrimp face book page a person whom i purchased about 25 red wine x white bee mischlings from recommended me to buy SL Soil as I got some bad RO water and now my Ph sits at 7.1. I like that idea but I'm having a hard time with seeing how to approach this. I DON'T want any of my shrimps to die in the process as I've invested a little over 400$ just for stocking it. The tank has a very dense carpet of S.Repens in it. The old substrate is a shrimp soil that only buffers to 6.8 along with some amazonia. Do ya'll think I could just remove all plants from the back of the tank and just pour the new substrate in and replant?? I also want to buy the Water Extract as I like tannins in my water. I also have some peat moss coming in with a mesh bag. Im not sure why my PH is so high as I removed all rocks and such in my tanks. Should I try the peat first and then consider using the SL aqua soil?
  3. This is what they look like. Hmm perhaps if they are the reason I should remove them. It is weird because the Ph now stays at 6.8ish.
  4. They are called 天使の石 (white angels stone) and are like the blue seiryu except they are grey and have white markings and are very smooth. My cousin sent them to me.
  5. So I started off strong with 25 red wine/ taiwan white bee mischlings, 20 black crystal shrimp/ crystal red mischlings, and 20 blue dreams, and today introduced 12 tiger x bee mischlings. I know that the blues will breed amongst them selves but what can I expect with the other Mischlings? I only keep for fun and do plan to cull for a nice stock however. Will it give me some beautiful colors of red, black, and tiger red?
  6. oh my gosh thank you so much! i introduced a thick later of new soil after I used RODI water. i think it might be the rocks to more honest. I might add in more ADA if possible. thanks so much again!
  7. Hello all! In my 20 gallon display tank I have of bee misclings, cbs, crs,the misclings of those. I tested the water very late at night last week and the Ph was like 6.4 and today I tested and it looked about 7.6 or 6.8 I'm not sure as I am color blind and can not see those shades. I went to petco and they tested about 6.8-7.0 as well so I'm gonna assume it is 6.8. when I did 4 gallon water changes every few days to my tds down to under 200 with distilled water to get the tank ready for my new tank it was reading constantly 6.4-6.2 ish. Im not sure why but it think it might be my rocks but I don't mind the rocks too much as they are very pretty. I use a very deep substrate of buffering soil and the tank is fairly new at 4 months old. Do y'all think Blue wizard Sl Aqua would help buffer it down to 6.4 again or should I manually just do a one gallon water change every few days? Note: I also gos finally got a RODI filter so I'm gonna use it from now on. Thanks! Edit: also, weird question but does TDS dilute? If I had say 400 TDS water and added in 0 TDS of the same amount to a large bucket would it become 200?? Thanks!
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