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Ways to create biofilm question

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11 hours ago, bruce7267ad said:

So I'm new to shrimp keeping and I keep hearing about bio film, and I'm curious about what products I can buy to create this.

Thanks guys.


I've found that one of the best ways to create biofilm quickly is with a bacteria/enzyme bag while you're cycling the tank.  Within a week you've got a healthy amount of biofilm in the tank, but this can't be done if there are inhabitants in the tank.  (And if you're cycling, you shouldn't have any inhabitants in the tank anyway.)

Aside from that, any bacterial supplement (Dead Shrimp Powder, Aqualex Enzyme, etc...) or powdered food will help to build biofilm.  


And finally, time...   ...given time your tank will age and biofilm will naturally be created.  

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16 hours ago, wyzazz said:


I've found that one of the best ways to create biofilm quickly is with a bacteria/enzyme bag while you're cycling the tank.  Within a week you've got a healthy amount of biofilm in the tank, but this can't be done if there are inhabitants in the tank.  (And if you're cycling, you shouldn't have any inhabitants in the tank anyway.)

Aside from that, any bacterial supplement (Dead Shrimp Powder, Aqualex Enzyme, etc...) or powdered food will help to build biofilm.  


And finally, time...   ...given time your tank will age and biofilm will naturally be created.  

Thanks alot! So as soon as I see my tank is cycled how long do I have before it crashes to put shrimp in? Also any shrimp food can build biofilm?

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Crashes?  Why would it crash?  You need to keep feeding the tank (give it an ammonia source) once it's cycled.  I like to put snails in my shrimp tanks to keep the bioload up, shrimp quite honestly have little to no bioload so having something in there with them helps to keep things stable.

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On 2/15/2020 at 8:10 AM, wyzazz said:

Crashes?  Why would it crash?  You need to keep feeding the tank (give it an ammonia source) once it's cycled.  I like to put snails in my shrimp tanks to keep the bioload up, shrimp quite honestly have little to no bioload so having something in there with them helps to keep things stable.

So just snails to keep up the load?

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