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White film on new wood


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I thought I have read threads on it, but can't find them.


In the dream blue, new tank, I have a large piece of wood. The largest I have put in a tank. I had boiled and soaked it for a week before putting into the tank. Today I noticed a white 'film' on it. I have not seen this with my other, smaller pieces, and I can't remember if this is natural.. or what to do (if anything) about it.


My laptop has went belly up, so using son's computer. I can try to get pics if needed.

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I believe it is a fungus that grows as nutrients (sugars?) get released from the wood.  Everything I have read is that it not harmful, but I'll defer to the masters for a definitive answer.  I have a piece of mopani that has been a tank for about 4 months that is just now having little to no white growth.  I have a nerite snail that loves the stuff......he wouldn't leave the log for about the first month or two (ignoring the job I hired him for - the rest of the tank).  My RCS don't seem to have any interest in it whatsoever (nor do they seem to be affected by it being there).


I've read that boiling the wood is supposed to help, but I boiled my piece about 25 times over the period of a month prior to adding it to the tank, yet still had a nice fluffy cloud all over the thing.

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Ok thank you! I thought I had read it was normal and just to let it run it's course but when I couldn't find the info I thought I better ask. Hmmm a nerite... well... I could give it a try, it's not the snail killing snowball tank afterall. lol

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So I got a nerite snail and plopped him on the wood (I've decided it's a he anyway). He checked out the wood for a bit and then went off to the rest of the tank ... guess I just wait this out. lol 


Edited to add - I got the nerite on teh 9th and it's still alive so I'm starting to think my snowballs are snail assassins :(

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