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Cherry shrimp


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Ok i posted incorrect info. I apologize i didnt know there was a difference between crystal cherry shrimp and cherry shrimp. Let me explain my goal in hopes that i can find someone to help me. I am looking for a bulk order of LOW grade or super cheap cherry shrimp to breed so i can feed my frogs and salamanders. If someone can point me in the right direction i would really appreciate your help. I like the crystals and the blues as ornamental only so not in bulk for those. Cherry shrimp for whatever reason really resonate with my salamanders

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Just to help you clarify there is no such thing as a Crystal Cherry Shrimp, there are Red Cherry shrimp (RCS) which is Neocaridina and Crystal Red shrimp (CRS) which is caridina. They are two different species of shrimp. RCS are very cheap and im sure some one would be able to help you out with a lot of cull cherries for cheap.

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