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Is it safe?


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I sometimes keep fish fry in my shrimp tanks. I also have adult small fish with shrimps without problems. The shrimps are breeding well in this tank.

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For a few months i was using a shrimp tank as a grow out tank for some cpd fry. The copepods and seed shrimp populations were quickly wiped out. I decided to stop keeping the fry in my shrimp tank though when i witnessed the cpd fry pushing deep into some moss in order to gang up on baby shrimp and take nips at them. Never saw them actually eat one but it was obvious they were trying. So my advice would be to yank the fry once they have done the job to avoid any chance of loss of shrimp. Good luck.

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Yea,no I'm not planning on keeping the fry in there long but I have to do something my poor frogbit is getting shredded by some of theses little things had tovrinse them off the other day they seemed infested so I have no idea if its seed shrimp or not seems like I have a few different tiny swimming\crawling things in there.

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