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Okay, so I have a water chemistry question. Why the low kh requirement for TB? I'm told that puts the tank at risk for ph swings. It seems all of you are educated in these requirements so could someone please help me out (using small words

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High kH = high pH not good for TB and Crstal shrimp. Low kh means the water pH is easily adjusted. The KH acts as an alkaline buffer and resists lowering to the acidic level that you need for TB and Crystal shrimp. Having 0 kh in an established tank with other elements like driftwood, alder cones, IAL and buffering substrate the pH is very stable. 

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Okay, so I have a water chemistry question. Why the low kh requirement for TB? I'm told that puts the tank at risk for ph swings. It seems all of you are educated in these requirements so could someone please help me out (using small words)?


You need both acidic and alkaline compound to stabilise pH and not just relying on carbonate. Depending on which type of compounds is dominating, then you will get acidic or alkaline pH. Even your water measured as 0 KH, it does not mean it does not have carbonate. It is more like low pH cause more of it to become carbonic acid.


For "soft-water" shrimp, you will need pH 6.2 to 6.6 (the most will be 6.0 to 6.7). This is to ensure there is enough acid to dissolve nutrients for shrimp absorption and yet not too acidic to cause shell erosion, formation of toxic acid, blood acidification and high oxidising effect.

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