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It's starting to get cold in California as it is dropping to 45-50 degrees at night. Would you guys say I would need heaters in any of my tanks? I have two tanks that are stocked right now. 1 tank is a 12g long and it is housing oebts, the other is a 20g long and it is my mischling/Taiwan tank. Everyone seems active, just a little worried about the cold weather.

Also.. Is anyone else preparing for El Niño? What did you guys do to prepare? I'm thinking about picking up some battery powered air pumps.


It's starting to get cold in California as it is dropping to 45-50 degrees at night. Would you guys say I would need heaters in any of my tanks? I have two tanks that are stocked right now. 1 tank is a 12g long and it is housing oebts, the other is a 20g long and it is my mischling/Taiwan tank. Everyone seems active, just a little worried about the cold weather.

Also.. Is anyone else preparing for El Niño? What did you guys do to prepare? I'm thinking about picking up some battery powered air pumps.

What temps are you getting at night in your house? This el nino thing isnt getting blown out of proportion.


I live in Northern California.  It gets down to 29 at night here in the winter.  I use 2 cobalt heaters in my 22 gal tank. Set it for 74 degrees.

As far as El Nino - We have our whole house set up on a generator down in our garage.  We lose power in the winter sometimes here without El Nino.  So best to be prepared.

Plus I keep 2 battery operated air pumps on hand as well.


Hope this helps.


In our house temp. at night is around 67-68F. I don't use heaters in my tanks (I just hope my otos will be fine with this temp.). And I'm too planning to pick up a couple of the battery air pumps (mostly for my fish).


We stress all summer trying to keep our tanks cool, then here comes winter and we stress about the water being too cold. I picked up heaters and set them at 69, if the day is going to be hot I run my fans and my temps are very stable. Before I added the heaters my tanks dipped down into the mid 60's at night and I was just to worried about big temp swings from night to day and back again.


I don't have a thermostat in my apartment so I have no idea what my temperature is indoors. If I had to guess, I'd say around 55-60? I keep at least one window open in the house though. i am somewhat worried about El Niño so I should really pick up some battery powered air pumps. I currently have three tanks soo if I do need some heaters I'll try to pick them up on Amazon asap.. Thanks for the input guys!


I just checked in my tanks temp. It's reading about 64-65.


I don't have a thermostat in my apartment so I have no idea what my temperature is indoors. If I had to guess, I'd say around 55-60? I keep at least one window open in the house though. i am somewhat worried about El Niño so I should really pick up some battery powered air pumps. I currently have three tanks soo if I do need some heaters I'll try to pick them up on Amazon asap.. Thanks for the input guys!


I just checked in my tanks temp. It's reading about 64-65.

Do you heat your apartment?

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