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Starting cycle with tap water or RO/DI water?

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So I'm about to start cycling my 5.5 gallon tank but I want to know before I start, if I should use tap water or RO/DI water?


my tap water (straight out the faucet):

ph: 7.4

TDS: 550 ppm  :startle:


my salty shrimp gh/kh+ hasnt arrived yet, but I found a local laundromat with supposedly very good RO/DI water. so what do you guys think I should do? Thanks.

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nah, not a buffering substrate. Just regular inert aquarium sand from petco. Cool thanks, I wasn't sure if the minerals in the tap water helped/hurt the bacteria during the cycling process.

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I would start with whatever you plan to WC/topoff with or at least match the parameters. Since you mentioned GH+/KH+, I'll assume you're gonna have a neo or tiger tank. Not super concerned with tap water for them. So if you can dilute your 550 ppm tap water with RO/DI to the parameters you're planing on remineralizing to, you should be good- as far as keeping your biofilter alive. This should be about half and half, maybe a little more RO/DI- that should land you around 200. If the pH gets too low, add a bit of baking soda to rebound it. This will bump up the KH too.

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Yeah, lyana nailed it. If you're using inert substrate, no co2, but have plants, your pH should rise over time. If you have lots of driftwood/leaf littler, use co2, or have very little water movement, your pH should drop over time.

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