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TDS questions

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I just checked my TDS and it is currently at 270 I just did a small water change with RO water measuring 140 TDS should I do a water change with just RO water to bring it down to recommended levels do I still remineralize? I currently have 30-40 red cherry/Rili shrimps they are breeding great so far in a 10 gallon with a double sponge filter and a lowkeys abosorbtoion boards. Thanks in advance


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Check your Gh and kh first. Don't go off Tds only. Whatever numbers you use will determine whether to use straight ro or to add reminerlzed water.  I just had a similar situation I had to do a almost 50% wc of strait ro to get my numbers . I use a gh of 6 and kh of 3 tds of 140.

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9 hours ago, Bryce said:

Check your Gh and kh first. Don't go off Tds only. Whatever numbers you use will determine whether to use straight ro or to add reminerlzed water.  I just had a similar situation I had to do a almost 50% wc of strait ro to get my numbers . I use a gh of 6 and kh of 3 tds of 140.

Thanks for the advice Bryce is it safe to do 50% wc?

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When I perform water changes to reduce TDS, I don't remineralize. Simply add pure RODI water slowly.

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Not neccessary to do another water change since you just did one. It can stress the shrimps out, and they are happy breeding anyway. Check your GH/KH as mentioned if needed.

I would wait for another week or 2 to do another water change.

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