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Looking For Yellow And Carbon Rili

Inverte Ponics

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I'm looking for yellow rili and carbon rili (blue mixed coloring).  It's probably too hot for shipping now, but interested in lining something up for fall.  Anyone?

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I currently and probably will still have a ton of carbon rili in the fall. 1eac75bc89ecf2359d4428cd29bb4fb1.jpg



Yellow rili is very hard to find. Some say the stable lines are just light orange rilis.

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Thanks for posting.  I was reading the same thing.  I think the yellow skeletons are what I've been looking at, but my water parameters aren't suitable for the bee types.  I have very hard, 7.5-ish+ ph water and don't want to mess with modifying it.  Any yellow suggestions?  I have Painted Fire Reds, Blue Velvets and Tangerine Tigers - all doing really well so far.  I'm most interested in color, but would like to broaden the types if possible (also have Indian Whiskers).


I think I would be pretty happy with the Neocaridina davidi Neon Yellow variant for the yellow shrimp.  I'm just wanting something not plain yellow.  Is anyone selling those?  


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