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Admit it. You like brown/grey fishes.

Tannin Aquatics

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It hit me one day: I kind of favor small, grey-brown fishes. Why do I like these small , grey fishes? Why do I covet fishes that most people find rather uninteresting? I mean, lately, I'm really obsessed with Elachocharax pulcher, which is really kind of a brown and grey "cammo" colored fish. Hardly exciting.  Yet, I am totally into that fish. Do I not get out enough? Am I too cool to jump on the bandwagon of sexy designer bettas and African cichlids? No- I love them. I do. Well, then why do I covet these seemingly "boring" fishes so much?

Well, could it simply be that, after several decades in the hobby- I’ve learned to be honest with myself about what I like?  Perhaps I am more into the "overall" aspects of a fish than I am about their color alone. I mean, behavior, habits, environmental digs- the whole picture is what makes a fish "sexy" to me. 


I was contemplating; just for a second- how easy it is to take for granted what has become “common” to us. Like, for example, some of the "common" Tetras that we see- Pristella,  Glowlight Tetras, and others. (click to read more)

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