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To ways to have lousy outcomes with botanicals..really!

Tannin Aquatics

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Okay, a seriously negative sounding title...but it did get your attention, right? And this IS kind of a serious topic! Yet,  I will punctuate it with a little touch of sarcasm...Of course!

People ask me if anything about our business keeps me awake at night. Other than shipments being lost, and the other usual minutiae of running any business, I'd have to say that the possibility of someone "nuking" their tank is the one thing I worry about most.


We've been working with botanicals for a few years now, and offering them to customers  for just over a year now (can you believe that?), and with an ever-growing global customer base, the possibility of someone screwing up big-time and killing all of their fishes because they didn't follow our instructions is more of a possibility than before, I'm afraid..You know, it's kind of a "numbers" game, I suppose...

Surpisingly, we've only had maybe one or two incidents of someone having a serious problem, and they were both caused by the aquarist failing to heed our advice about preparation and adding materials slowly to an established aquarium... (click to read more)

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