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Romancing leaves...again.

Tannin Aquatics

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As a fish geek who takes more than a little passing interest in the rather obscure practice of adding leaves, seed pods, and other botanical items to aquariums in order to create "blackwater" conditions, I can't help but get excited about the materials.


Yeah, I've spent a good chunk of the last couple of years playing with, sourcing, testing, enjoying- and "romanticizing", if you will, the materials that we use to create these amazing aquatic environments. The "romanticizing" thing is what I'm going to talk about today. Specifically about Catappa leaves, and  the difference that it makes to use leaves in your aquascape that  are of a certain quality, and that offer a certain "something."


I am a big fan of Indian Almond Leaves (Catappa) in the aquarium. Like many hobbyists who have played with leaves, for many years, I was all about just adding some decent quality materials to my tanks and getting that cool blackwater effect. And it's true, pretty much any old Catappa leaf will impart some tannins to your water, helping to drop the pH a bit and add that "tint" that I won't stop yapping about. (click to read more)

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