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Mixed TB tank


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My tank is currently a mix of TB and mischlings. I get Bb's, shadow pandas, shadow mosuras and king kongs as well as other mischlings. I was considering adding some pinto's into the tank to have a chance of pinto shrimp in the future but as i read they are taitibee's. Since I do have a cull tank would that be ok? Or is mixing pinto's with TB a bad idea?

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I think it all depends on what you like and what you want. I am planning on doing a mix tank with TB and tigers, tibees and taitibees will eventually show. And because I have MTS I will be wanting to keep a tank of each type of my favorite bee and tiger to keep the strain pure.


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I'm simply concerned that if a pinto crosses a TB, the result will be taitibees mostly. I'm fine if the result will be a mix of TB patterns, pinto pattern and taitibees with at least 50% being TB/pinto. So does anyone have experience with such crosses ? If I will be culling the taitibees and keeping just TB/pinto patterns in the tank will I be getting a decent amount of TB/pinto pattern shrimplets ? Will taitibees be poping out also from my TB pattern shrimp as the gene will be carried over ?



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I'm not an expert but pintos are taitibee but only certain pattern called pintos (spotted heads, red/black belly, stripped).


Right now I have a tank with TBees and tibees and have babies that could be tibees or taitibees (have no idea how to separate them from each other). We need ask experts but what I see there's at least 1 mischling baby (or is it red crystal?). I'm wondering if I keep my shrimps all together I'll get more mischlings or crystals then TB or taitibees.

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