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On deaf ears,,,?

Tannin Aquatics

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It happened again...

I was chatting with a brand spankin’ new aquarist at a couple of days ago on a random fish forum...I mean- brand new, “untainted-by-the-message-boards-and-super-trendy-fish-gossip” new. Like, “didn’t-have-any-opinion-on-which-LED-lighting-system-is-the-best-new”... 


Yeah. That new.

And I’m being generous when I use “aquarist” to describer her, ‘cause she wasn’t!

She was asking me for some advice on what botanicals and fish she should be keeping in her new tank. Uh-oh...advice. That made me think a bit...Well, a lot, actually. In my hobby and professional career, I have given lots of advice to new hobbyist as many of you have, I'm sure,…

But not to someone this new and well- "detached", I guess you could call it.. 

I mean, what a responsibility! She had absolutely no clue on a lot of stuff, not a single clue. Never kept fish before. She just wanted a great-looking tank and kind of thought it was like throwing together a scrapbook: You just toss a few things together and it’s ready to impress everyone. (click to read more)

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