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"...No apparent reason..."

Tannin Aquatics

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Yesterday, I was talking to one of my friends  about what was going on in his cool fish room, and he was telling me that he was just looking to see what fishes were “breaking out”, which ones could be doing better, and which ones were in trouble. A cool, useful practice that many of us engage in with our tanks. He and I reflected on the fact that, on any given day in a lot of fish rooms, you’ll some find fishes or tanks that were “kicking but, some that could look better, and some that just “bought the farm” for no apparent reason.


“No apparent reason…”

Familiar words, actually. I hear them often when talking to fellow hobbyists who, calling us for advice, assistance, or just encouragement, will say things like, “…and they were looking great the other day, and today- they’re just failing to thrive for no apparent reason.” (click to read more)

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