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In search of the blackwater livebearers....

Tannin Aquatics

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Have you ever noticed that we tend to "pigeonhole" and over-generalize stuff about certain types of fishes in the hobby? 

In other words, we often make broad statements that appear applicable to an entire group of fishes, and then create a sort of cultural norm within our community that accepts without question that "this is how it is..."


I find this phenomenon as interesting as it is damaging. Interesting, because with the power of the internet, you'd think that good information could spread quickly and widely enough to help dispel some long-held, largely over-generalized, and often downright incorrect ideas. Damaging, because some of these misconceptions actually prevent talented hobbyists from not only attempting to do things, but even from discussing or "thinking out loud" about them! It's important to dig further when you have a hunch.

An example of this was when I took it upon myself to find some fishes that would work well in our acidic blackwater environments and might consume some of the occasional algae that appear in these types of aquariums. Of course, there are the typical catfishes, barbs, etc., and to a lesser extent, some species of Characins, like Headstanders, Metynis, etc., etc.- which are known to consume some algal and plant material and come from soft, acid waters. However, I wanted something a bit more unusual, a bit more "wild-looking..." 

What about some form of wild livebearer? (click to read more)

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