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Ph keeps dropping with Fluval Stratum substrate

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Hi All

I have a Fluval Ebi tank.


Typical setup with their Stratum substrate.


The tank is planted and has a root driftwood


My issue is that the Ph keeps dropping to 6 over a period of a week when its starting out with my Ph 7 tapwater.


I have recently placed a fist size lava rock and tested it the next day and Ph went from 6.8 to 6.4 over a couple of days.


I was hoping the rock would stabilize.


Amonia Nitrites and Nitrates all zero.


I use the standard internal filer that comes with the setup but have mini biomax in the large chamber.


Tankmates include 7 cherry shrimp and 4 Galaxy Rasboras, 3 Badis, and now 4 neon fry added yesterday.


I did start with a dozen cherry and some have passed over the last month or so.


Usual's go into the tank like Prime and Stability and monthly Equilibrium.


Does anyone think the Stratum is the dropping Ph culprit?






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If the EBI concept was marketed towards shrimp hobbyists, isnt a Ph of 6 a bit low for the average shrimp keeper?

I would of thought the Fluval EBI product was marketed towards newbies like myself.

Adding buffers to keep the water in the upper 6's is a pain.

Any suggestions other than starting a total rebuild?


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Active shrimp substrates are aimed for caridina type shrimp and pH of low 6 is excellent for them. If you want just a casual community tank with some shrimp and fish, this is a rather poor choice. 

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The substrate is apprx 5 month old now.


Changing out the substrate would be an issue.


Since the substrate is only an inch deep maybe I could just add an inch or two of black sand on top and do some aquascape contouring?


I did add some crushed coral to the filer today. Ill test tomorrow and see if that has made a difference, however I am adding "Ph Neutral' to keep to water from getting to acidic.




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10 hours ago, DuncanRC said:

I did add some crushed coral to the filer today. Ill test tomorrow and see if that has made a difference, however I am adding "Ph Neutral' to keep to water from getting to acidic.


crushed coral should make it go up & ph neutral too.  I would think these along with the active substrate is going to make it really hard to keep the ph stable.

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So far it looks like the coral has done its job....stable at Ph 7 the next day!


Ill be checking it twice daily to see any fluctuations.


Chappy why do you think I would get Ph instability?


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  • 4 weeks later...

So far so good. Ph just at or below 7. My 7g just needed a teabag size amount in the nano filter.

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