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Soursop (Graviola) Leaves

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Hey Mike,

  I use various herbal remedies for health reasons but Graviola leaves (Annona Muricata) have a toxic compound in it to humans called annonicic.   Like most medicinal's some can be detrimental as well as beneficial depending on individual's bodies and dosing size.  As for shrimp, I'm not sure that the possible parasitic control is worth taking a chance given the alternatives available.  I'd have to look thru my library for other plants that work as a natural parasitic control as I can't think of any off the top of my head other then Wormwood.(Artemisia species)


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4 hours ago, oem said:

Hey Mike,

  I use various herbal remedies for health reasons but Graviola leaves (Annona Muricata) have a toxic compound in it to humans called annonicic.   Like most medicinal's some can be detrimental as well as beneficial depending on individual's bodies and dosing size.  As for shrimp, I'm not sure that the possible parasitic control is worth taking a chance given the alternatives available.  I'd have to look thru my library for other plants that work as a natural parasitic control as I can't think of any off the top of my head other then Wormwood.(Artemisia species)



I see... From what I researched, it also helps cure a lot illnesses especially cancer. If Guava leaves is good for shrimps, wondering if Graviola leaves too.. When I still live in the Philippines, my grandma gives me both guava leaves tea and graviola (Guyabano) leaves tea. 

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