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Golden Bee Shrimp in Neocaridina's Water Parameter

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Hi Everyone,


So, as I have mentioned in my previous post, I have completely given up on Blue Bolts due to their sensitivity. Now, I am completely set for Bloody Mary and OEBT shrimps. However, I still want to spice things up. I want to add Golden Bee Shrimps. I heard they are pretty hardy compare to all the Bee shrimps. Is that true? I know that Bloody Mary and OEBT can live together because they prefer same water parameters. Can Golden Bee shrimp live at same tank with these other shrimps? Has anyone kept/keeping Golden Bee in +7 pH? Also, I think they won't interbreed (someone please correct me if I am wrong) because Bloody Mary is Neocaridina while OEBT is Caridina Cantonensis and Golden Bee is Caridina cf Cantonensis.


Thanks in advance,


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Golden Bee Shrimp are (AFAIK) Crystal Reds/Blacks that have the red/black line bred out of them.  I've never kept CRS/CBS in Neocaridina Parameters but I'd imagine that with some fiddling you might be able to get them be happy and breed in those conditions after a generation or two.  

The Golden Bee wouldn't breed with any Neocaridina Shrimp but would certainly breed with OEBT, I've got some crossing in my mixed caradina tank right now.  

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Thanks wyzazz for the response. 


I guess my concern lies into Bees survival rate in Neos parameters. I heard that some Bees can survive in Neos parameters but will not breed at all. While others reported that they will survive for a while but will die eventually. 


On the other hand, I have mixed feeling with cross breeding. I want OEBT to not interbreed with Golden Bee if possible. I mean, they can produce cool patterns and such. But I am predicting that they will be hard to sell or give away when they over populate. I thought that OEBT and Golden Bee won't interbreed because they are different Caridinas just like Amanos to other Caridinas. Again, I am not sure. 



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Hi wyzazz,


Thanks for your input. Since you have a lot of experience with both Caridinas and Neocaridinas, what would you put with both OEBT and Bloody Mary? Or actually, would you add any other type of shrimp at all? FYI, I plan to add Amano with these guys. Is this an issue? If it does, can I instead add Long Red Nose shrimp? 

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I wouldn't keep anything else in there with them.  Amano's would pick on and possibly kill the other shrimp and Pinnochio shrimp need higher temps than Caradina & Neocaradina to thrive.  


I would keep snails with the shrimp and that's about it!

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I am very interested with rabbit snails. But I know that they tend to graze on aquarium plants. I also know that they prefer warmer water, which is the opposite of OEBT and BM. I am still looking for Thiara snails. They seems to be the ideal snail for my preference (no white eggs like nerite and no over population like MTS).

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