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Can planaria kill shrimp?


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4 hours ago, shrimp1989 said:

I found a dead shrimp and it was covered in little flat worms. Are they just scavenging or could they have killed it?


Oh shucks that's unfortunate :( 


Planaria are known to kill baby shrimp very easily and I wouldn't be surprised if they would kill adult shrimp, especially after/while they are molting and at their most vulnerable. You should aim to get rid of them asap!

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Thanks! Somehow I thought they wouldn't really bother them but this seems to clearly be untrue. I dosed fenbendazole as I have some safeguard around. Hoping to not see them anymore! Just hoping my berried shrimp doesn't get affected by the meds.

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Safeguard is for goats so no shrimp dosing on the package lol. But I've heard people dosing 2.5-10mg fenbendazole per gallon. So far lower doses haven't worked for me

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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