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Inverts to keep with RCS

Human Shrimp

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I am currently running my first aquarium, a 5.5 RCS aquarium. I really enjoy watching the shrimp, but feel like something new. It's been half a year that I've had them now. I am looking for another invertebrate that will do well in a 5.5, good for a beginner and will not interbreed with my cherries. I was thinking amano shrimp, but I am betting there could be some more interesting choices that I just couldn't see. Got any ideas?

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Hi Human Shrimp,


what are your water parameters in the tank?

you can always look at adding some sort of tiger shrimp as they thrive in the same type of w/p as Neos does and wont breed with the cherry shrimp.

i wanted to recommend, orange eye blue tigers, yet they can be quite finicky but maybe something more easy in the start like normal tigers or tangerine tigers.

then there are also some very cool exotic types of snails that you can add, like rabbit or nerites for something a little different 

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1 hour ago, Maurice said:

Hi Human Shrimp,


what are your water parameters in the tank?

you can always look at adding some sort of tiger shrimp as they thrive in the same type of w/p as Neos does and wont breed with the cherry shrimp.

i wanted to recommend, orange eye blue tigers, yet they can be quite finicky but maybe something more easy in the start like normal tigers or tangerine tigers.

then there are also some very cool exotic types of snails that you can add, like rabbit or nerites for something a little different 

Here are the parameters.

Temp: 70 F

pH: 7.6

Nitrite: 0ppm

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrate: 5ppm

kH: 4

gH: 7

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I'd recommend a Tiger Shrimp (OEBT/OERBT or Tangerine Tiger) or some Snails.  There are various shades of Ramshorn Snails that you could add, Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails...   ...I don't however recommend Amano Shrimp.  In a tank that small I think they might bully the RCS a bit.  


I'll also cautiously recommend Yellow King Kong or Crystal Reds.  I've got both in Neocaridina Parameters that are similar to yours.  I may get flamed for saying so, but the CRS have been doing well for quite a while and are breeding.  The YKK I only had for a few weeks but they seem to be doing well too, I'll know more as time goes on.  

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