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My tank. 13 gallon, details and pics inside!


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So, after my introduction, here's my full setup of my 13 gallon tank. 

Brand: Dennerle, HOB filter Dennerle with blue sponge, siporax and ceramic tubes and lily pad for oxygenation. Also I use a 25 watt heater and Söchting oxydator. Plants are Staurogyne Repens, Anubias Nana, Anubias Petite, Anubias Bonsai, Anubias Barterii (I like Anubias) and 4 Marimo moss balls (actually an algae). 

I use a strong depth effect with Mopani wood and grey flagstone. After cycling my tank (with happened after 12 days!), I bought my first starter group which is a Japanese line (Benibachi), consisting of 8 shrimps. I also use ceramic cubes, tubes and squares for hiding spots and it'also a nice place for the Anubias to attach on. Temperature is 72F, 10 hours of light a day (24 watts fluorescent lighting).

Water values (I use RODI water with GH+)

PH 6

GH 5

KH 1

NO2-: 0

NO3: 0

PO4: 0

NH4+: 0

NH3: 0

A couple of pics below:








20190107_184725 (1).jpg

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Thank you so much! I actually "slided" two parts of mopani wood together so they remain slanted. The other one on the left however is just placed against the wall of the tank. On the longer term I plan to remove the heater and keep the room temperature stable (not possible right now because of bad boiler system in the house). 


I do have a question btw: the wood has that white growth (algae I believe) on it, it's typical for mopani wood and disappears after time. The shrimps totally love it. Is it necessary to feed them at all as long as it's there? I have fed them frozen brine shrimp yesterday, but they seem to be more interested in the algae...

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2 hours ago, ArcadiaShrimp said:

I do have a question btw: the wood has that white growth (algae I believe) on it, it's typical for mopani wood and disappears after time. The shrimps totally love it. Is it necessary to feed them at all as long as it's there? I have fed them frozen brine shrimp yesterday, but they seem to be more interested in the algae...


The wood provides a nice grazing surface for shrimp. The white stuff is likely fungal based and the shrimp will pick at it. They are probably more interested in the biofilm that is growing on the wood's surface but also eat various things that make up a mixture of what is referred to as periphyton. A small colony of shrimp can survive off the natural food resources in the tank if it's readily available and might not show any interest in commercial foods when offered. If you want, you could try offering a vegetable based food or fresh boiled leaves of spinach, nettles, mulberry, collard greens or any other high calcium leafy green. After boiling, you can freeze them and it will make them easier for shrimp to pick apart. For convenience, I usually just drop pellets of ken's premium veggie sticks in my tanks twice a week and a protein based food once a week. Feel free to experiment. Just be sure to siphon up any uneaten food after 3 hours. A turkey baster comes in handy for this.

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Yeah I noticed because I fed them Shrimps Forever Color and they didn't show interest. So protein once a week is a good idea, and I'll be sure to check out leafy greens to see if they take it.


EDIT and catappa leaves, heard good stories about them.

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