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Adding neon tetras to my shrimp tank


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So i have a question, i have an 18g tank with 10 Neocaridina shrimp. It is moderately planted and there are plenty of hiding spots in it, the aquarium is pretty big and it is littered with black scandinavian sand therefore it is quite difficult for me to see my blue velvet shrimp. The shrimp are either on the sponge filter or the java moss. They are not pretty active in the tank and the tank looks pretty dull. I was thinking about getting 6-7 neon tetras but im scared that my shermp will be eaten by the fish. My shrimps are about 3-4 weeks old so they are not completely grown they are about 3/5 size of an average Neocaridina shrimp. What should i do? 

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I wouldn’t take the chance of adding them to the tank. I’m sure the tetras will eventually find them and snack on them. Maybe you could add some otocinclus instead to give the tank some more life.

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I have a 40 gallon with a thriving shrimp colony. It has BN plecos (which are breeding as well), harlaquin rasboras, Cory cat fish (also breeding), and neon tetras. 


If the tank is planted well enough and the fish are feed daily you should be ok. I would expect to possibly lose some shrimplets but not enough to stop your colony from growing.

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