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Currently I have the dennerle shrimp king 10 gallon, and I do really enjoy it, but I'd to upgrade relatively soon as I have the room for most 15-20s, unfortunately even though dennerle DOES sell a 20g version of the shrimp tank, I can't find a place to purchase it anywhere. And I figured this would be a good place to get some suggestions, are there any tanks in the 15-20 gallon range you would recommend? I'd prefer it come with decent lighting or lower on the price end so I can buy a decent light, obviously since this is a shrimp tank I'd like something with a good filter either in tank or all in one, but not a deal breaker. Other than that I'm open to suggestions. I was looking at the cobalt c-vue but 220 for an 18g with no lights doesn't sit well with me. Anything you guys can think of?

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