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Hey guys


Just wanted to introduced myself, I know h4n from a few other forums and he let me know about this one


My current set ups are:



<- stock has changed since I took the video

Red Cherry Shrimp

Rasboras Brigittae 

Assassin Snails



Orchid Endlers

Cory Habroseus

Assassin Snails

6 Crystal Red Shrimp (in a hanging breeder box for now)



Trio of Blue Gularis



Parva Rainbows

Cory Sterbai

BN Plecos

2 Platies (from the original tank)

Cardinal Tetras


30g Breeder:

Just has the hard scape and some moss right now... up for debate

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New forums always take some getting used to so I'm exploring a little bit here and there lol


With a forum like this... I might have to consider doing shrimp in that 30g Breeder tank...


I know I am thinking of doing skiffia francesae because I have a possible lead on them, but would be nervous of them eating shrimp - so I've been going back and forth

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