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Help! BV loss the blue color


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Sory for my bad english [emoji16]

I have two blue velvet shrimp tank, the first is nano tank and second 60cm tank.

In my big tank the baby shrimp grow up and loss the blue color turn to light green. In nano tank the bv color still good.

I take bv from the nano and put it to big tank. They are loss the blue color too. Help me

Nano tank use only tap water TDS 110 . Food tetra bits complete for discus

Big tank use same tap water TDS 110 with mosura mineral plus set to 170 . Food ista shrimp food

Sorry i just have TDS meter lol

Is it because the mineral or the food. I read article on google that some food can change the color shrimp. Here www.planetinverts.com/natural_or_artificially_colored.html


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So that my shrimp stressed from baby to adult. It running about three month. But they breeding normally, from 20 adult, now more than a hundred little shrimp maybe. Very confusing

Need the water test kit asap [emoji1]

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You could also try not using the minerals in the big tank and see what happens if all tests come back normal. Not sure why that would make them loose color but who knows.

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My question is why are you adding Mosura Mineral to the big tank? If the smaller tank is just tap water and the blue is fine in that tank I would just stop dosing the minerals and see if they get their blue back.

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This week i stop dosing the mineral. Water change with tap water. But not try to reduce the tds and use food same as the nano. It seems the blue color is back , but not all of them change, maybe wait for a couple week. Still don't know what cause it, i think there is nothing strange what i put to my tank. My yellow shrimp tank doing well with same setup. do i need to reduce or increase the tds?

How many tds is recomended for neocaridina, i know neocaridina can survive with a wide range tds, but every breeder must have their best set of tds

Thank you

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You can keep neos in TDS 100-300 easily. I have some neos in my TB tank at TDS around 150 another tank is about 300 then my tank at work is around 215. my Tank at work is breeding the best I have about 6 berried right now.

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