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Shirakura Red Bee Sand

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High5 is correct, along with Shirakura Red Bee Sand is make for Japanese tap water, not RO. (per Liam/Shirakura USA)

I've talked with him over a year ago about bringing this soil in and this was one of the factors why we decided against it.


downfall of USA, we only have limited access to soils.

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You could give controlsoil/brightwell a shot. They have 3 different grain sizes to choose from, and it doesn't leech. I had the same issue with the Fluval Stratum, it's just so light. I really had to plant deep to hope things would stay.  

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I dont use UGF, not for any reason other than I have a system that seems to work. Controsoil does leech very small amounts of ammonia if your bacteria is colonized sufficiently it shouldnt be problem. Controsoil cycling I have found is very fast, keep the temp up to 86 and pH at 7-7.2 and lots of bacteria starters and frequent additon of baceria and a tank can be cycled in 2-3 weeks. That is under ideal conditions and cycling with hard tap water. Once my ammonia and nitrite drop to 0 then I change out all the water with RO and remineralizer let the pH stabilize and drop the temp and its ready for shrimp.

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