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Northeast Shrimp Keepers BBQ


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With the very successfull northern California shrimp keepers BBQ some of us east coasters were throwing the idea around of meetup on this side of the country. A possible location would be Charlton MA, which happens to be the stomping grounds of the world famous Han Tran! If anyone is in the northeast and would be interested in coming let us know to see if this is something we can get off the ground. This could be a chance to meet and get to know each other and an opportunity to trade and sell equipment, shrimp, plants etc. Food and raffle would be invloved as well. It would be great to meet some more shrimpers in person!



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It looks like this is a very real possibility, we should know by the end of the day the location and date! Very exciting stuff, it would be so great to meet more shrimpers in person.

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