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New shrimp tank. Pointers?


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I've decided to dive into the shrimp hobby and got myself a 10g shrimp tank (see picture). I plan to remove the cherry shrimp and Carbon Rili from my fish tank and move them to a home of their own. The Amanos and ghost shrimp are plenty happy swimming around everywhere, but the smaller shrimp spend their time in hiding. My questions are as follows:

- What plants would be best for these guys? I already have some Java moss that I pulled from my fish tank, and I am thinking about some moss balls. Looking for some stem plants/ferns.

- What filter system type? I have read that sponge filters are good, but don't provide enough circulation for a planted tank. I am leaning towards a HOB with a sponge on the intake.

- Would API Quick Start be alright for this tank? I still plan on leaving it sit for a few weeks to develop some biofilm.

- My goal is to have a cherry shrimp colony. Am I missing anything that will help me reach this goal?

- Any problems with housing the cherry shrimp and carbon rilis? They have been cohabitating very well in the fish tank.



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nice start, your cherry and rili are both neocaridina species, so will interbreed and spoil the colour and quality, if that's problem for you ?


Yes agree go on the HOB and inlet sponge as you suggest, you can always upgrade to a small canister if you feel you need it one day. In addition to moss, pelia and fissidens are other easy options for low light shrimp starter tanks and good for the young..


Remember too much plants and hiding space, means you will  spend the first couple of months playing hide and go seek with counting your shrimp :)


Consider bolstering the maturing and biofilm process with something like Bacter AE..

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Plant choices will be affected by your lighting. You will need high light if you want certain plants.

Java fern does great for me (2 cfls on a 10gal).

I think mosses are ideal for them, though; much more biofilm area and they will pick thru it all day (and probably night, lol)!

If you like moss balls, go for it. They do pick thru them, but I think other mosses are better for them.

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Totally agree that mosses are a favorite. I've also had luck with floating plants. I like that they block some light and the shrimp love hanging out and snacking in the roots. I use red root floaters but imagine there are other good choices.

I use a HOB filter with an ATI pre-filter sponge in my 10 gal tanks and have been happy with the setup.

Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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