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What's up with lots of shrimp swimming around like crazy?


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Hello Everyone,

 I was walking past my shrimp tank last night and my shrimp were swimming around like CRAZY! Is this some type of breeding behavior? Everyone seems cool this morning. Any ideas what was up?

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They do that typically right before or right after a saddled female has molted (but they aren't saddled all the time).  Its males responding to a pheromone release.  HOWEVER, they can also do that when a shrimp has a difficult molt...not stuck, just weak after a molt.  I believe the weakened shrimp sends out some sort of distress signal....causes all the shrimp to go nuts and if the weakened gets caught they will generally get eaten.  Generally when I watch this happen within about 15-20 minutes they go back to normal.  If it's over a molted female who is 'ready' the swarming behavior can last hours. 

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My crystals do it a lot too.  They will start swimming around though to when I add food since they are trying to find it....I keep my shrimp hungry :)

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