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Peacock moss ForSale!


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Hey I'm selling some peacock moss( could be Xmas but I'm pretty sure it's peacock ) Algee free for About a golf ball size or about a small plastic sauce cup size each for $6.i have lots of moss to get rid of. Shipping will be $7 usps. I'll also add a couple nodes of hydro sp.Japan too with your order for FREE. If you buy the whole thing I'll add about a golf ball of hydro sp. Japan for FREE. Please mind your weather if you decide to buy some. I have not had any problems shipping in the cold but if some thing does happen it's not my fault. If you have any questions or just want to order please pm me. Thanks



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Peacock Moss has a soft gentle look to the edge of the leaves. Christmas Moss has a hard edge look to the leaves. Definitely a different look from each other.









gonna skip right over the comment above me, and state that is some great shots of moss. Thanks for sharing them! It is always good to know exactly what you are selling/have.

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Those are the photos of the moss. Most of the strains of moss are not fully developed yet since the guy I bought them from has been growing them in low light so I can't tell yet. It was sold to me as Xmas but idk.






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