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Keeping self promotion and sales to the marketplace.

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I've noticed that there are some of users who are jumping at every opportunity to advertise their own products. When we're asking about a product or reviewing it, we should be discussing about that product. I understand that we can also offer alternatives from what we use ourselves. But here is where we draw the line.  When we start promote our own products or our own sites, linking it and telling other people that is cheaper and better. That's self promoting and advertising in a very distasteful manner. 

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On 4/25/2016 at 2:30 PM, MinusInfinity said:

I've noticed that there are some of users who are jumping at every opportunity to advertise their own products. When we're asking about a product or reviewing it, we should be discussing about that product. I understand that we can also offer alternatives from what we use ourselves. But here is where we draw the line.  When we start promote our own products or our own sites, linking it and telling other people that is cheaper and better. That's self promoting and advertising in a very distasteful manner. 

I agree to a certain point. If a thread is discussing about a specific product then people should use discretion. But if its a general discussion about products for example "what foods should I give my shrimps" or "what is a good remineralizer" then I see no harm especially if its a paying sponsor.

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I feel the sameway as Vpier.  

It can go too far the other way also as I have seen on other forums where people are afraid to mention any products, other sites etc. For fear of reprisals from the moderators.  

That is one of the reasons I really like Shrimpspot, there is not a lot of policing going on and for the most part members, sponsors and vendors are very respectful to one another.  

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