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Hello everyone! Like so many others, I've spent a long while lurking around and absorbing all the new developments to the hobby since I've been out of it.  I have kept and bred a variety of shrimps including various Neos, Pure Line CRS, Normal CRS(Dirty line? lol), and I took a while off from fresh and kept a nice little group of Sexy shrimp( Thor amboinensis ) in a small reef tank. 

I even managed to get the Sexy shrimp to breed, however their offspring have a free swimming larval stage and I had difficulty raising the young to benthic metamorphosis. 

I took a break from aquariums for a couple years, raising several sp. of thumbnail dart frogs. I got back into aquariums with high tech planted tanks, but since restarting about a year back, I've not really been satisfied with this side of the aquarium hobby and my tanks have been plagued by unrest and serial rescapes...  so I am coming back to where I have always had a lot of interest :D Shrimpin' is where the heart lies.

I've currently got a shrimp-only tenner cycling, set up with SL-Aqua soil (thanks discobee!) and am on the journey to figure out what to put in there. It's amazing how much Taiwan bees have come down in price since I was last in the game, and I have been considering giving those a go with the intention of possibly trying my hand at some of the more involved breeding.


Anyway, nice to be here and hopefully contribute. I'll see you around!


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Thanks everyone! 

I must admit that I have been using the search function heavily for the last couple days, sometimes just typing random subjects in and reading all the threads I can find to catch myself up with the hobby.  Not a huge amount has changed, but the thread content here is still really rich and interesting - especially genetics and when someone starts talking about "recipes" for a specific phenotype. You know a thread is loaded when you have to brush up on Mendelian genetics to follow along!


Anyway, thanks for being so interesting! :D

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