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Just some shrimp breeding questions...

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So I have a 5 gallon tank that has 26 or so CRS, grades S-SSS, and I just put in 3 red tigers because I wanted to keep an eye on them while they grow up. What would happen if they start to breed? Also, I have a 20 gallon tank that has 10 BKK shrimp that I want to start breeding but they're just all so spread out that I feel like they won't. If I were to add them to my 5 gallon, what would the cross breed babies look like? Every time I try to look this cross of CRS and BKK, I never find any handy results. Please help me out! Thanks!

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Well the Red Tigers and CRS will produce Fancy Red Tigers if you have seen them yet. They are pretty cool ? White base with the red random stripes but I am not sure what else might pop out of that mix? 


The BKK's are Bees so you are crossing bees with bees. You lose all control and then don't know who the baby daddy is? Makes it extremely difficult to repeat.  I saw a badass pic of a black shrimp with red tiger stripes on the SS! That may be a BKK x Red Tiger?

But I would have no clue about CRS x BKK offspring results.

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Unfortunately for me (or not?) I ordered G Bees  got a mix and had a few culls. One each with a black mosura crown and red crown. 

I was hoping to cross some RBT and I have over a hundred babies but have lost control and don't know who is what? I have some white with black stripes (full bands) but hey aren't Tiger like. I am guessing that they are CBS

The lines are along the segments of the tail. Would a successful cross with RBT yield that result on the F1?

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So if I am unintentionally breeding Mischlings , how would I know if my offspring are TB? Do they just have crazy patterns compared to the Mischlings?

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