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Best food for Red Cherry Shrimp


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Im a bad shrimp keeper, originally I got 8 RCS to entertain my Betta give him something to hunt and eat my Betta being a rose tail isn’t very fast and has given up trying to catch them. As I have about 70 shrimp in the tank ( I have culled about 100 ) I was wondering what’s the best food for them?


At the moment they get.


Tropical flakes.

Hikari Carnivore pellets.

Hikari Algae wafers

Hikari Loach wafers.

Indian almond leaf


Like I said bad shrimp keeper, combine the feeding with 70% weekly water changes water temp 28degC the fact that I never vacuum the substrate and that there is a predator ( well he likes to think he is ) in the tank they are still breeding so I want to feed them better.


Any help would be appreciated



The shrimp and Betta live here.



I guess he figures if he can scare one to death he stands a chance.


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They should be perfectly fine with what you are feeding them now.  Shrimp are scavengers and will eat just about anything, and they seem to be thriving in the environment you've provided for them.  


Mainly they eat biofilm, the stuff that gathers on surfaces in your tank that contains micro-organisms, algae, etc...   

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This tank has 5 female Bettas in it and about 100 RCS culls from my 2 footer, I think I will be over run with shrimp soon.



Now the reason I joined the forum, The Betta in this tank died of old age he was nearly 5 years old, I want to get some nice shrimp, something fancy, I am quite prepared to use RO water and remineralise it and all that. Open to ideas.






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Thanks, and all that without the use of chemicals other than dechlorinator. NO Ferts


Its a habit I got into, My tanks are very stable and the water I add is pre treated and pre heated.


This is me  making my own black water extract.




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If you want to stick with inert substrate you will want to keep Neocaridina or there are a few varieties of Tiger Shrimp that can be kept in Neo parameters.  The Black Sakuras are a Neo so that would work out well!  


If you decide on Crystals you will want to break down the tank and pick up a buffering substrate and then utilize strictly RO water with a GH only Remineralizer since they require softer, slightly acidic water.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

So today I think I found a new RCS food. I was cleaning the canister filter hoses today on the big tank, I use a small brush on some wire, I guess I didnt get it all out because when I connected it all up and turned the filter on some of the crud got into the tank.


OMG my shrimp went nuts over it they were swimming around grabbing floating bits before they even hit the ground,  Because I clean the hoses in a bucket I grabbed my turkey baster sucked up about a spoon full of the water and put it in my 2 foot tank, same thing the shrimp went nuts over it.


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What? more baby shrimp these things breed faster than so called pest snails LOL.


This is normal activity when I drop in a 1/4 of a cube of frozen brine shrimp, I just drop it in and it breaks up in the current.

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