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Sponge Filter + Canister

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Do you need it? No, Is it a good idea? Yes.


Being a fish keeper and having a Betta sorority I always have a sponge filter in one or 2 of my tanks in case I need to set up a hospital tank, I once had a canister die on me and couldn’t replace it for a few days, having a cycled sponge filter probably saved my fish.





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Dont really like the eheim  intake, the shrimp still get sucked up til they eventually end up inside the canister or die from trauma. I had to tie some cheese netting around the filter with the sponge on to prevent further casualties. Also use a dual sponge filter with the canister btw..idk if its over filtration or not but I ended up ordering the nag also to try out.

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With canister filters you have to worry about the outlet as much as you do the inlet, baby shrimp can easily get thru the holes in the spray bar, Even hang on back filters can be an issue.


I was forever finding shrimp in my HOB I had no idea how they got there, the inlet has a stainless steel shrimp screen covered with a sponge, Kinda like the photo above.


Then one day I saw this.




The power cable to the heater is hidden in that corner and the shrimp use it as a highway to the yummy stuff in the filter.




I fixed the problem. And yes I have cleaned the filter since that photo.

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6 hours ago, ILikeAsianBooty said:

Dont really like the eheim  intake, the shrimp still get sucked up til they eventually end up inside the canister or die from trauma. I had to tie some cheese netting around the filter with the sponge on to prevent further casualties. Also use a dual sponge filter with the canister btw..idk if its over filtration or not but I ended up ordering the nag also to try out.


yeah, i removed the intake from the eheim, and currently using a steel mesh I got from Hans Aquatic. Works wonders. 

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