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Snail/worm HELP


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I just got some snails in the mail, I thought one was dead because it wasn't out but I could see dark inside the shell so I put it in the tank to give it a chance hoping it would. This is what came on the next day, what is this and how do I stop/fix/kill it?? Please help, my shrimp have been doing great and I don't need a wrench in that!!



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I just got some snails in the mail, I thought one was dead because it wasn't out but I could see dark inside the shell so I put it in the tank to give it a chance hoping it would. This is what came on the next day, what is this and how do I stop/fix/kill it?? Please help, my shrimp have been doing great and I don't need a wrench in that!!
Those are planaria worms. A dose of dog dewormer would kill it. Do a search on planaria in the forums and you should be able to identify treatment methods.

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2 hours ago, NickAus said:

Do not use dog dewormer.


Get some No Planaria and use as per instructions, Its Shrimp safe.


Please note

No planaria will kill Mystery snails, Ramshorn, Nerite, and Malaysian trumpet snails also.

Genchem No Planaria 50g. Control Planaria in 72hrs and Shrimp Safe.

So if I remove snails and add the no planaria and leave shrimp in tank I'll be fine? How long after can I replace snails?

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Yes the shrimp will be fine, I assume you are using a sponge filter connected to an air pump if you are not add an air stone, as for the snails I would suggest you run some activated carbon for a week or two before returning the snails to the tank.


Please note.

I have done the above in my Red Cherry shrimp tank on 2 occasions without problems.

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13 hours ago, NickAus said:

Do not use dog dewormer.


Get some No Planaria and use as per instructions, Its Shrimp safe.


Please note

No planaria will kill Mystery snails, Ramshorn, Nerite, and Malaysian trumpet snails also.

Genchem No Planaria 50g. Control Planaria in 72hrs and Shrimp Safe.

I've used dog dewormers in past and never had any casualties. I know others who use it as well without problems. To each their own I suppose.

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3 hours ago, Gotcha00 said:

I've used dog dewormers in past and never had any casualties. I know others who use it as well without problems. To each their own I suppose.

I've used Fenbendazole to treat a hydra outbreak I had in several of my tanks. I used it on 4 different tanks with tangerine tigers, taiwan bees (BKK, RKK, blue bolts), red fancy tigers and aura blue tigers and noticed no negative side effects, at least with the shrimp. Like No Planaria, the Fenbendazole may kill snails if the dose is high enough, but I only noticed snail deaths in 1 of the treated tanks. I talked to Rob from Flip Aquatics about dosage as he said he uses it whenever he imports shrimp, and his imports include tens of thousands of shrimp each import. He also said in his experience it's almost impossible to overdose to the point where it'll kill the shrimp, but he recommended 0.1g/10 gallons. The hydra went away in less than a week. I'm studying to be a veterinarian and I've seen lots of people use dog medication for aquarium use with high success. I believe it's because the worms and parasites in our tanks are biologically and physiologically similar to those found in dogs. But as Gotcha said, there's no 1 method to keeping and breeding shrimp successfully. My motto for shrimp keeping is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". 

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17 hours ago, NickAus said:

Do not use dog dewormer.


Get some No Planaria and use as per instructions, Its Shrimp safe.


Please note

No planaria will kill Mystery snails, Ramshorn, Nerite, and Malaysian trumpet snails also.

Genchem No Planaria 50g. Control Planaria in 72hrs and Shrimp Safe.

@NickAus I'm curious to know why you advise not to use dog dewormer. I'm not trying to judge or anything like that, but I like to do as much research as possible in shrimp keeping and if I can get more opinions and hear more experiences, I believe I can be a better breeder and provide better information to those who ask for help. I especially like to learn as much as I can about diseases, parasites, treatments, etc. because when you notice something like that happening in your tank you have to act fast and knowing as much as possible beforehand will help me to act quickly and hopefully save more shrimp (or maybe it's the vet in me wanting to treat my shrimp lol). 

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Just to let you know, the chemicals stay inside the tank for 6+ months and it's not consider safe to add back in the snails...if you can't wait that long, gradually do a 100% w.c so the shrimps can adapt.

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Why wont I use dog dewormer? Because I wouldn’t know how much to use, No Planaria has a measuring spoon and its so many spoons per gallon of water, Dog dewormer is made for dogs,  while No Planaria was made to kill Planaria and hydra in an aquarium.


Like I said I have used it twice in my shrimp tank then used activated carbon and normal water changes before returning the snails to my tank without problems.


Just my opinion.

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Gotcha. It appears that both dog dewormers and No Planaria will work fairly well. No Planaria gives you an exact dosage and the assurance that it was made specifically for eliminating pests in the aquarium. It also seems to come in larger quantities compared to dog dewormers you can get online, so I assume it'd work well if you have a lot of infected tanks or if you'd like to have the treatment on hand in the future. Dog dewormers tend to come in smaller quantities (mine came in 2 10mg packets), but you'd have to do a little research into the dosage. This is all from the research I had done so I can't say for sure as I've only dosed dog dewormer once in those 4 tanks. It'd be interesting to do an experiment in the future comparing dog dewormers and No Planaria to see their effectiveness and how they affect the shrimp. Maybe when I have enough tanks I'll look into that! Thanks for your input!

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