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Cycling tank


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I wouldn't be too worried, the tank is just settling in.  Manually remove what you can, and hit the rest with a 3% H202 solution.  3ml per gallon.  It will turn pink/tan and die.  Or you can remove the plants and spray them with the Hydrogen Peroxide and then replace them.  Then you really don't have to worry about how much you use.

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Also, if you've got something to put in there plant-wise that will take up the extra nutrients you'd be moving down the right path as well.  Floating plants like Salvinia Minima, Duckweed, Frogbit, Red Root Floaters, etc...   ...even some Pothos to hang out of the back would work.  The plants I can see in the pic are slow growers (Anubias & Buce) so they may not be taking up too much of the excess nutrients in the tank which is allowing the algae to gain a foothold.  

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BGA is so annoying to get rid of..it grows back too quick even if you pick it and do w/c. I eventually gave up and bought  "green slime" I believe and its never came backs since. Still have a full tube of that thing and it works wonders.

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