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The Fluval Shrimp Stratum is the ideal substrate for your aquarium. It's ideal because in addition to providing the plants with all the necessary nutrients and minerals, it promotes healthy root growth as well. A substrate is a base for the aquatic plants in an aquarium and is an important requirement if you are aiming for the aquatic life to flourish. This substrate is a derived from volcanic soil. And if you have wondered why Hawaii is blessed with its lush fauna, that is your answer right there. People who are interested in growing plants have hailed volcanic soils as their elixir as there is no soil that measure up to it. Volcanic soils are rich in minerals and nutrients and the plants love them. So adding a substrate to your aquarium of that high-profile quality is definitely the right thing to so.

So in order to understand better about this product, here are some few important features of the Fluval Shrimp Stratum:



The Fluval Shrimp Stratum is derived from volcanic soil. As most people are aware of it, volcanic soil is rich in minerals and nutrients that are vital for the growth of plants. This also makes it a perfect biological environment for the plants to grow as it provides the aquatic plants with all the nutrients needed. The addition of this substrate to the aquarium ensures that the plants are provided with the complete set of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients. The minerals from the volcanic ash in the substrate makes it rich in minerals like iron, sodium, potassium, etc which are all important for the lush growth of plants. So, the inclusion of the Fluval Shrimp Stratum to an aquarium is always a safe bet.


This brand of substrate is excellent for the plants to grow as the surface provides the perfect base. It's porous enough for the roots to grow in with plenty of space and freely. It gives enough room for the roots to ‘breath’ and this cause the healthy growth of the aquatic plants. The texture of the soil is also light and helps to cycle the water out easily. Because of this particular fish, it allows the nitrogen cycle to run successfully. Fishes release their waste which usually contains carbon and the heterotrophic bacteria present in the soil assimilate the waste. After that is done, it will convert waste into biomass which then can be used as nutrition by the plants. All in all, the usage of this substrate allows for the perfect system of recycling and reusing. This fact makes it the nitrogen cycle of water successful. It does not take long for the water cycle to come into full circle which is a plus point.


The substrate will provide a neutral to a slightly acidic pH level. This makes it perfect for the growth of all the species of plants. If you want to make it a complete ecosystem, then it's also important to note that the substrate is suitable for tropical fishes and shrimps as well. One can rear new born shrimps in the Fluval Shrimp Stratum as it provides the perfect shelter to them and protects them from predators. The shrimps can emerge out after they are grown enough to look after themselves. Overall, this product is ideal for maintaining the perfect system of aquatic life because of its properties.


The Fluval Shrimp Stratum is an attractive substrate that has no added chemicals. And this is why once the substrate is added to the water; there is no discoloration of the water at all. When the substrate is added, one can expect some fogginess in the tank. But that is only momentary as the soil settles. Once the water settles, the water gets clear again. Even if the water is dirtied from the beginning, the presence of bacteria and a working tank cycle ensures that everything is scrapped off. A tiny and successful ecosystem is created through this substrate. The other attractive quality about this brand is that there is no additional cleaning of the substrate required. It does not dirty the water as well and also controls organic discoloration as well.

So the points have been put out there and to make this easy to understand, let us have a look at the pros and cons of usng the Fluval Shrimp Stratum in your aquarium.


  • The first and foremost point that makes this substrate a great product is because of the fact that it's a volcanic soil. This reason makes it highly beneficial for plants as it's high in all the minerals necessary for the luxuriant growth of plants.

  • The substrate is rich in iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and oxides. As a plant grower, one will know that those are the vital elements for the proper growth of plants.

  • The substrate causes no discoloration to the water and does not dirty the water as well.

  • The texture and the surface of the surface provide the right environment for the free growth of the roots. This enables the plants to receive the right amount of nutrition which leads to a healthy growth.


  • The substrate is more expensive than the other products that provide the same features.

  • The soil can make the water soft. This may prove to be problematic as the water pH levels must be maintained.


Besides the small issues like the substrate being a little expensive or the soil removing the harness of the soil, it's still a solid product. It's a quality product that provides an aquarium with all the necessary components. The fact that it provides a good water cycle, and that it's made from volcanic soil is enough to get people rushing to purchase this product. As no product is perfect, this is almost close to perfection as it's all that you could expect from a substrate.





I'm guessing you are a rep for Fluval, correct? 2 posts and already promoting probably the worst substrate for keeping CRS or any other caridina species for that matter...  that is if you care about fry survival rates. Adults will survive and breed but 2-3 weeks after mother releases them, they just mysteriously die in this substrate. This is from my own observations. But don't take my word for it, many others have experienced the same, dating all the way back to 2011. As for other shrimp species, like neocaridinas and amano shrimp, black diamond blasting sand works perfectly fine, no need for an active substrate in these cases. As far as plants are concerned, Fluval Stratum lacks the necessary macro nutrients for many species to flourish (how else could it not produce ammonia and provide plants with necessary nitrates?) It does seem to provide a sufficient amount of micro nutrients to sustain plants for several months but that's about it. You'll still be forced to dose micro nutrients to keep up with plant demands after these few months pass. I'm not really sure where Fluval Stratum fits into the market. There's simply better substrate choices for equal or less the cost of Fluval, and yes, they are pretty much volcanic ash based as well, just harvested from better or "richer" resources apparently. 


If you are indeed a rep for Fluval, I hope this post gets shared with the right people at the Fluval headquarters. lol


On 9/15/2018 at 2:57 PM, madcrafted said:

I'm guessing you are a rep for Fluval, correct? 2 posts and already promoting probably the worst substrate for keeping CRS or any other caridina species for that matter...  that is if you care about fry survival rates. Adults will survive and breed but 2-3 weeks after mother releases them, they just mysteriously die in this substrate. This is from my own observations. But don't take my word for it, many others have experienced the same, dating all the way back to 2011. As for other shrimp species, like neocaridinas and amano shrimp, black diamond blasting sand works perfectly fine, no need for an active substrate in these cases. As far as plants are concerned, Fluval Stratum lacks the necessary macro nutrients for many species to flourish (how else could it not produce ammonia and provide plants with necessary nitrates?) It does seem to provide a sufficient amount of micro nutrients to sustain plants for several months but that's about it. You'll still be forced to dose micro nutrients to keep up with plant demands after these few months pass. I'm not really sure where Fluval Stratum fits into the market. There's simply better substrate choices for equal or less the cost of Fluval, and yes, they are pretty much volcanic ash based as well, just harvested from better or "richer" resources apparently. 


If you are indeed a rep for Fluval, I hope this post gets shared with the right people at the Fluval headquarters. lol




whats really funny is the con about making the water soft.  lol

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