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Can guppies explode?

OMG Aquatics

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How often do you feed and how much? I feed my fish once a day and only what they eat in about 3 minutes. Skip a day or two a week also for fasting days.

Might be good to skip a day or two for yours to let them clear out.

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yes you can feed to much. try feeding a shelled pea. to much protein can constipate them. i have had females split when they are giving fry but that was years ago and only had it happen to 2 fish in like 13 years of breeding. its not good to really power feed any fish. and if you are going to over feed you have to clean as well. you need to get all the uneaten food out of the tank with in half an hour of feeding. or else it will foul the water and can kill the fish. 

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Constipation is ugly ... lost a young guppy to it many, many years ago. Could no longer swim or eat, ended up as my very first euthanasia as I just couldn't watch him suffer any longer.


I would also have to wonder about the impact of too much protein on the kidneys. In mammals and reptiles, it can lead to kidney failure (which doesn't show up right away). Fish typically have a diet that's higher in protein than terrestrial vertebrates, but it wouldn't suprise me if power feeding high protein foods puts strain on fish as well.

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a well balanced flake with things like blood worms as a treat. the main reason for babies to get bbs is to help feed them the higher protein to get them growing and its something small enough for them to eat. adults tend to get brine shrimp not bbs and adult brine shrimp dont have a lot of nutrients in them. the older the bbs get the more they lose in nutrients due to using it themselves to grow. 

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I try to feed around 25% vegetable based pellets or flakes. I think it's better for their health to have some vegetable/algae matter in their diet. But I don't breed them, babies just kind of happen, and it results in a stable population.

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