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Shadow panda

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There is a possibility you will but no guarantee. You may get all Blue Bolts, all Pandas, all Shadow Pandas, or a complete mix of several variations of TB.

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So would you just keep culling out the tb variations and keep breeding the pandas/shadows and bluebolts until you are getting mostly shadows?  or will it always be a mixed bag?  once you have a good group of shadows do you just breed shadows with shadows at that point?  Sorry if these are dumb questions, but i am also curious on how to get shadows!

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I have some pretty good shadow panda, regular panda x BB will get you there.


It's normal to see a few shadow panda from even regular panda x regular panda. You can also pick those and breed those (if not enough shrimps, add BB) and keep culling the ones that aren't as blue.


One thing though, shadow panda is actually panda with bad white colour so the base colour (blue) shows on the white part. If you have had TBs 2-3 years ago, you can see the quality is better than the ones on the market today. They used to all have very defined and perfect colours, now you start to see the not-so-perfect black, red, or white on these shrimps. I plan to keep a tank of all TB tank going, one black and one red, trying to revert back to the kind of quality they used to have.


If you read the breeders and keepers, the term "bee-influenced" is used. And in the last year or so, not only the colours aren't as good as before, the pattern is horrible too, I contribute that to "pinto-influenced"...

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I agree with this post in many ways. I spoke to a friend in Asia over the matter of PRL and how PRL today doesn't even come close to the PRL available 4-5yrs ago. Back when Japan were still major players in the PRL market, we had some amazing white/red colors. Now.. I fee like PRL is trending back to the old Crs market.

If seems more along the lines of "oh this is a nice white, let's label it prl" and anything else is a CRS. Sad that quality gave way to quantity.

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