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Shrimping Up to Boston


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Hi all!


Last weekend I got my first 20 Blue Pearls  and 2 gold rabbit snails from Bandaiban...  I wanted them for a 10 gal I have on my kitchen counter that is used to rehab the plants that all my goldfish destroy. I just wanted to liven up a boring tank.    Fast forward to today, 2 are already berried and i saw 2 more molted shells this morning...Needless to say I wasn't expecting so much progress in a week, I was pretty much happy just to see them alive in the morning.  Anway most of my research was devoted to will the shrimp survive in my exsisting tank conditions... But after having the little buggers for just a week I have become shrimp obsessed.  Instead of having shrimp in a plant tank.  I want to create a real shrimp tank.  Or maybe several tanks, for different shrimp...   I feel a case of MTS coming on...


btw:(Dont get me started on the 2 rabbit snails I got with the Blue Pearls. Peter& Ellie's adventures 'round the tank have become frequent topics of conversation at work. yeah, my coworkers already think I'm weird)


Glad to make your aquaintance and I look forward to learning from you as I enter then strange new world of shrimp






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Mari, you sound like our kind of shrimper! LOL  Welcome!


We're pretty laid back and friendly here, so no worries about posting challenges you may have with your shrimp, or sharing tips with us you found along the way. :)


Do you have tests for ph, tds, gh, kh?  Ammonia testing is a good one, too. 


Again, welcome!

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Hi Soothing shrimp! Actually I kinda followed you here from TPT, thanks for the welcome!

Right now I just have the standard test kits that I use on my other tanks. I've got a TDS and gh/kh on the way. Right now (as in doing weekly water checks over morning coffee) ph 8, n02 0, no3 15 (it was an in between kind of color), nh3 0.

I'm seriously going nuts with these shrimp. .. Must stop staring at shrimp. ..

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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Welcome!  Always glad to have another shrimper

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