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Could I have found my problem?


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Not great picture quality but he would not come out to the front.    Think this is a bacterial infection?    The thing is, he doesn't show as milky white.  If you look at him with the naked eye, he looks dark blue on the edges and solid bright white in the middle. 


How do you all feel about paraguard for bacterial infections if that is what has been plaguing my tank?   


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I think I've got the same problem with my white pearls, Jaden - have been advised to use paraguard and betaglucan to treat them by a few people here in the Uk that have managed to turn this thing around. Still waiting for my supplies to arrive as the LFS doesn't stock them. Fingers crossed they arrive in time.

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I think I've got the same problem with my white pearls, Jaden - have been advised to use paraguard and betaglucan to treat them by a few people here in the Uk that have managed to turn this thing around. Still waiting for my supplies to arrive as the LFS doesn't stock them. Fingers crossed they arrive in time.


Mamashack, I had to laugh when I read this.  Not at the possibility of you having a bacterial problem, but because as a selective breeder it drove me NUTS trying to figure this same question out while I was breeding them the first time around.  Were they healthy, were they becoming a better white?  Didn't see any broken antennae or anything, but the foggy tissue and transparent white shells.  AAAuuuggghhh!!!!  Finally it drove me insane enough I just sold them all off.


I finally got peace of mind enough now a couple years later to breed them again. LOL :lolu:

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so what do you think of my pic soothing?   I hate to kill him for nothing  :)  


PS.  I had the same issue with blue pearls!!!!!  I couldnt decide if they were sick of sposed to look like that!

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Mamashack, I had to laugh when I read this.  Not at the possibility of you having a bacterial problem, but because as a selective breeder it drove me NUTS trying to figure this same question out while I was breeding them the first time around.  Were they healthy, were they becoming a better white?  Didn't see any broken antennae or anything, but the foggy tissue and transparent white shells.  AAAuuuggghhh!!!!  Finally it drove me insane enough I just sold them all off.


I finally got peace of mind enough now a couple years later to breed them again. LOL :lolu:

The maddening thing is that I contacted the original seller when I got my first lot and he said he didn't think it was bacterial. So I thought it must be something they ate. The 2nd lot was quarantined for a few weeks and most of them were fine when I transferred them over and I think it was transferred from the first lot to the newer second lot. Half my current stock (2) are juvies born in there and chances are they are now infected and just not showing any signs yet. Fingers crossed they respond to treatment. Chances are I have also infected the orange sakura tank by using the same TDS pen and water test syringes! ARRGGGHHH!!!!!

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Mamashack ugh that is so frustrating!   :(   you will have to let us know if the paraguard works.  I will do the same if I decide to try it. 

I will, Jadenlea!

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I got another picture of my possibly infected one when he came out to eat tonight...  Now that I could get a closer photo I can see his broken antenae so  out he came and plopped into the fish tank.  RIP little shrimpie. 


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The carbons are in my Tank O Death Stoned.  The strange thing is, they have seemed fine, its the mischlings that were dying.  But then a couple days ago I found this guy so Im now wondering if the tank has a bacterial infection.  Im not seeing signs in any others of it but..   Im just runnin blind now.  


My best guess now is that old wood/moss I took out had some sort of bacteria in it that was bad. It had switched tanks  over years at least 3 times and who knows how many before I got it. When I took it out the deaths slowed down dramatically, but they have started again.   a dead mischling every couple days.  perhaps they were already infected.  

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i know some experts would disagree to say that this may not make sense... but thought id just share what seemed to work... I too had the TOD with my fire reds as i mentioned in my other thread.... and also started in my blue pearls when i added some new shrimp...


what reversed my TOD or halted so to speak for the past few days was me moving my shrimps around... this is what i did:


1) my first TOD was my Fire reds.... (5 gals...) so i was fed up with it and decided to take a gamble... and move them to my stable tank (Red rilis) decided to partition the tank and housed them in the same tank as my rilis thinking that the rili tank would be a quarantine tank for the time being...



after moving my fire red colony, i only had 1 death after and they seem to adjusted... and they have been fine since... ( praying this would continue on)


2) I then moved my chocos into the old TOD... they adjusted well and not a single death...


3) when my blue pearls were dying daily i moved them to my old TOD where my chocos now lived and it minimized the damage...


i guess moving them from a certain tank with a certain bacterial load that was affecting them negatively was my remedy...


if there are any experts who could better shed light... im all ears... :)


pics of my setup






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I wish that I had another tank to move them too Stoned.  But I dont.  :(   Its a great idea though.    


Can't wait to hear if your chocos stay healthy!!! 

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Jaden, u can try soothing's water reset. I believe that idea idea that soothibg proposes in a way kinda geta rid of a bulk of the bacteria that was negatively affecting the shrimps by decreasing their n7mbers as you seem to be totally emptying the tank


hi stone, what is the water reset method about? any links to the exact post by soothing ? :)

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Picto i believe soothing mentioned something in the thread mytery fire red death...

Soothing feel free to add in.

The water reset was draining 90% of the water in the tank. Leaving about an inch of water in the tank then restocking it with aged new water... basically the principle behind it is vy draining the bulk water in the tank u aignificantly decrease the concentration of bacteria that is negatively affecting the shrimps. And u get a fresh set of water parameters as well

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