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Came home tonight and noticed a large molt in the front of the snowball tank, then I noticed a female on the back moss wall that looked 'odd'. I went a little nuts when I realized the 'odd' look was because she didn't have her saddle but her whole under was white... closer look.. she is berried!! I did a little happy dance until my son finally gave me a hug, congratulated me and said "your a grandma now" and went to his room, ha ha


So - now the newbie excitement mixes with panic.


What can I expect next?


I am ordering a breeding net (of course I don't have one now...ugh), just in case but should I keep a constant eye on her,ever alert, or am I over paranoid?


I did notice she is staying back by the moss wall and the sponge there. I put some snowball food in the tray, hoping to coax her out for a pic but she hasn't come out. Is that normal...for her to stay away a bit now?


How long will it take?


Do a lot of first time moms drop their eggs?


Do I need to give special food, do more/less water changes...





I have been told that they like to hide once they are berried. And yes, they may drop them the first time around.

Pretty sure you don't need to do anything special. :)


this is a horrible horrible pic, but I have a phone camera and she was way in the back, by the look of it, she is holding a LOT of eggs



Why do people get breeding nets for shrimp?

Snowballs aren't even aggressive and require no special treatment for healthy babies. My snowballs from Soothing is about to give birth again! Never gave any special treatment and the babies are surviving and doing well. I see them all the time during feeding time.


the net is in case she drops the eggs or if something happens to the female. I originally wanted to get it for a fun feeder spot to give them something else to play with in a way


^-^ no harm in toys for the shrimp

:) I have to do it for my bettas (or I should say, I like to do it for them). Bettas like 'toys' so I thought it would be a fun thing for the shrimp to explore. Could be it's more for my entertainment, but I like them to have things to check out 


It take's 20 to 30ish day for egg's to hatch some spices are faster than others, as for water changes do your best to match TDS and temperature of the tank to avoid triggering molting due to changing parameters. First time momma's have to learn how to carry egg's in the swimmerets, she may drop a few it's unavoidable and she will learn by the time her next clutch come's. 


Thank you! I tried to like a few comments but it says I've reached my daily max?? lol


I can't find her in the tank today :( I don't know if she's hiding but I don't see anything that would look like a pile of little white eggs either?


I'm trying not to worry - I'm pretty sure it's her first time around so... at least I know it can happen in my tank now :) 


Found another molt this morning (no eggs with it) and the males are going crazy swimming around so I'm hoping it a female's molt :)


I might just have babies one day yet!


One of my rilis became berried on Christmas Eve. Nice gift.  I've had cherries that hide when berried, but this rili is just "out there". Once in a while she hides, but she is pretty aggressive - and no one messes with her.  Don't worry about her - like with us women - childbirth is a natural thing to shrimpies.  Definitely check on her once in a while to see if she has molted. But that is not common. Having the net is a very good precaution.  I have one on hand but have never had to use it.  I'm sure she will be fine, grandma!


well I found her, a bit more out and about - holy wow is she carrying a LOT of eggs!! I tried to get a decent pic but between my camera phone and her zipping around these are the best I could do. Can she really carry all of these? lol








Thats pretty impressive.  I think she will do fine.  Many of my cherry shrimp hide when berried or are more shy.  I notice that they dont feed as much and seem to pretty much hang out only on the sponge filter.  The funny thing is how nervous we can be the first time, but once they start breeding you go into a panick of what you are going to do with all of them.  As I was writing this I looked at my 1.75g bowl and noticed my one mama gave birth sometime yesterday or early this morning before I came into work!


Thats pretty impressive.  I think she will do fine.  Many of my cherry shrimp hide when berried or are more shy.  I notice that they dont feed as much and seem to pretty much hang out only on the sponge filter.  The funny thing is how nervous we can be the first time, but once they start breeding you go into a panick of what you are going to do with all of them.  As I was writing this I looked at my 1.75g bowl and noticed my one mama gave birth sometime yesterday or early this morning before I came into work!

Ha ha, I am trying to stay calm on the outside :) But yea... the thought "What in the heck am I going to do when they are breeding all the time" did come to mind.


So, what do you do and what do others do?


Either have a nice large colony in your tank to enjoy- which is what many do, or sell some off to recover some expenses.  However the shipping thang can become a nightmare at times, so some people prefer to just keep a nice large colony. heh  For example, one sample package I sent to someone never showed up this December.  It happens.


Well I have a little time to think about it. I am on a local (very local) fb page for people right here in town that keep tanks so... I might intro them to the world of shrimp. lol   A few already are, unfortunately one is keeping rcs so can't keep them with my neos


I'm ok with lots of shrimp - I could sit and watch them for an embarrassing amount of time :) very therapeutic 


Um yea... thought I was watching mama snowball when another girl swam past holding a lot of eggs. Seems I now have two berried females. And here I was worried I would never have baby shrimp. lol


shrimp king pea and leaf loops (thanks to Han's samples) - of course they like the white ones better than the green - lol


I was shocked to see the second one :) I'm glad to know it never gets old :D


So yea - about the conversation of 'what do you do with all the shrimp' - Came home tonight and found that the feeding dish is now the maternity ward. Yea - 4 berried girls chattin' it up in the feeding dish.


Um - if they have an average of 20ish babies - yikes!! My little group of 15 shrimp is going to explode the end of this month


all 4 girls on the left are preggers



There is such a funny balance between the number of shrimp you start with and where it ends up.  When I first set up my tanks I got a few shrimp and wished I had the money for so many more, then they start breeding and I am literally overrun with shrimp.  It s a good problem to have.

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